Oh Do

Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Homage''' is generally used in modern T-mobile ringtones English language/English to mean any public show of respect to someone to whom you feel indebted. In this sense, a reference within a creative work to someone who greatly influenced the artist would be an homage.

The original meaning of ''homage'' was the ceremony in which a Tera19 feudalism/feudal tenant or Mp3 ringtones vassal pledged reverence and submission to his feudal Pure Dee lord, receiving in exchange the symbolic title to his new position (investiture). It was a symbolic acknowledgment to the lord that the vassal was, literally, his man (''homme''). More generally, it included any formal profession of reverence to a sovereign.

:''for a description of the medieval homage ceremony see Music ringtones commendation ceremony''

See also

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